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Wednesday 6 June 2018

The Room of 1000 Demons - Lessons From a Tibetan Monk on Controlling Anxiety and Fear

In Tibetan religious communities like clockwork the 'Room of 1000 Demons' is made accessible to the priests in preparing. With a specific end goal to pick up edification (nirvana), they should simply to stroll into the room and out the opposite side. In any case, once in the room, the passage entryway can't be opened from within and they need to stroll over the room and abandon it by the leave entryway.

The issue is that inside the room are 1000 evil presences, every one of whom comprehend what your more regrettable dread is. For instance, on the off chance that you detest bugs, once in the room you'll end up among 1000 of the most noticeably bad sort of creepy crawlies possible.

When this is disclosed to them, the vast majority of the priests choose not to experience this procedure. They are said goodbye by the older folks and encouraged to return to the religious community to consider some more and in an additional five years they will have the chance to experience the room.

To the priests who are left, and in fact it is a modest number, the senior citizens compliment them for their strength and are taken to the other side. The central priest prompts them as takes after:

"You realize that to accomplish all that you have examined and thought for you should experience the Room of 1000 Demons. You have been explained why the room is alleged. I praise you for your strength and recommend that you remember two things once the entryway closes behind you in the room:

(1) None of the evil spirits are genuine,


(2) Keep moving your feet."

Barry B. Hart, Ph.D. Authorized Psychologist ( ), speaker, creator and clinician.

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